The sunset over the St Lawrence River.....This was the view from the deck of our cottage...::sigh::
6 WEIRD THINGS~~I've been tagged!!
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write on their own blog their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Wierd things about me:
1~ I'm with Jodi....LOVE my kids, but by the end of the day, I'm a bit "touched out" nearly 12 month old is still nursing several times per day, and by bedtime, I'm ready for an hour to myself! :oP
2~I can't sit still for very long...I'm a bit hyper and always running hither and yon!
3~ I sometimes speak "Mother-ese" even when there are no babies around! (been a mom for 17 years, now, some habits are hard to break!)
4~AND, I'll holler, "Look at the horsey!" when there are no kids in the car! (see above for explanation! he he he)
5~I get "weirded" out over meat....I'm *not* a vegetarian, but sometimes I can't eat meat, if I saw it prepared (or prepared it myself!)
6~I LOVE to sing, which I do...LOUDLY and OFTEN, although my kids say I sound like a frog croaking! :o/
Off to tag the following people:
BF Beads
K Bella Bambino
oh my gosh...LOL, seriously...OUTLOUD!!! Look at the one in the car...i freakin do that too!!!
I posted mine on my blog! :) Thanks for the tag.
You crack me up! Love the horsey one! :) And my daughter's hand is currently grabbing my armpit... my mouth... my arm... my nose... jabbing her thumb into my neck... By the end of the day I tell her to go nursey on Daddy. She doesn't seem to listen very well... :o)
hey, who says singing is weird??? lol.
lovely view of the sunset! i'm jealous!
i posted my 6 weirdnessess. thanks for the tag. it was fun!
I love your new music feature - very nice!
Keep the faith sistah! I love that version on somewhere over the rainbow! I think some people just don't fancy auto play. I need to check out your shop..I have a babyshower gift to get! Have a great day!
I am with you and Jodi on point 1....!!!
I never understood why moms would get SO burned out until we were outnumbered.
I never realized what an escape work would be!
beautiful sunset
Thanks, "L" you mystery woman, you!
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